Welcome To DummysWorld


dumbbutt㉿dummysworld$ whoami

Hi guys and welcome to my site. I am a 20 year old security researcher based in the bay area of California. I am currently in school for computer science but my real passion comes from pen-testing. I hope to have a long fulfilling career in this field and I hope whoever reads this can see this as a invite to my journey towards keeping our digital world safe. 😉

dumbbutt㉿dummysworld$ cat WhatFor.txt

I have developed a strong sense of responsibility in regards to spreading digital awareness and preventing the inevitable 0day, and in a sense its altered the way I see technology. However I also see the naivete of your average consumer and hope to bring together those who also see the dangers/wonders that the field of tech has coming for us in our near future.

What I Offer

Essential services crucial for business advancement



I am a security researcher and ethical hacker at heart. I have advanced knowledge of the common dangers of the web and offer a PenTesting service to customers and lessons to script-kiddies.👾


Bug Bounties

Here are the newest and most innovative techniques in the bug bounty field. from simple XSS to subdomain takeovers, we will practice some advance TTP’s (tactics, techniques, procedures) and gear you towards making some bounty bucks🤑


Let’s all Talk!

This is a safe place for ethical discussions. Let’s collaborate and discuss our most recent discoveries in hopes that your next question answers that one bypass that gets you that critical!


$ ./Toolbox.txt

These are the tools of DumbSec. this is a standardized group of tools and scripts from industry level coders, the deep sea of open-source and some developed by your beloved DumbSec . enjoy👨‍💻



DumbSec is a digital haven for those who dare to challenge the cybersecurity norm with audacity and a dash of humor. We are digital artisans, exploring the cyber realm with unmatched creativity and precision, turning bold ideas into extraordinary realities. Join us, and let’s reshape cybersecurity together, proving that true innovation thrives on thinking differently. Here, we’re serious about making a difference—one hack at a time.


In my short yet Fulfilling time in the field of security research I have developed a pair of eyes that can detect the smallest discrepancies in an organization’s IT infrastructure. With this subtle yet powerful level of observation I have helped protect the informational security of multiple highly funded companies.


Happy Companies


Critical submissions


Explore some of my best portfolio


Words from happy customers

In bug bounty recon, researchers gather information on a target’s digital infrastructure to uncover potential vulnerabilities, employing both passive and active techniques. This meticulous mapping of the target’s online presence aids in identifying exploitable weaknesses while adhering to the program’s ethical guidelines. This initial step is crucial for efficiently finding high-impact security flaws.



In the exploitation phase of bug bounty hunting, researchers leverage identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or extract data, demonstrating the impact of these weaknesses. This critical step involves applying specific techniques or code to exploit flaws, underlining the real-world risks they pose, all while strictly adhering to the program’s ethical boundaries.



In anonymization for ethical hacking, researchers mask their identity and activities using tools like VPNs, proxies, and secure browsers to conduct security assessments without revealing their personal information or location. This ensures privacy and security for both the hacker and the target, aligning with ethical and legal standards.




Starting from scratch join me on my journey into cybersecurity.